dimecres, 6 d’abril del 2011

Speaking English Abroad

Remember last week when we introduced the new project - creating a funny conversation where you must try to solve a common tourist's problem in English? Well, I've found a couple short examples on YouTube that you can use for inspiration. (Remember to leave a comment, in English, below!!!)

1.) Problems with a hotel room. This one is a cartoon made for English learners so it is very short and fairly easy to follow.

2.) Problems in a restaurant. This clip is from Australia. They speak quite quickly, so listen carefully! The problem comes from the word 'rare' which, when used to describe steak means 'undercooked', but the customer thinks it means 'not common'. (Also a 'blue steak' means a steak that is pretty much raw!)

3.) Lastly, just for fun - here's the very funny Mr. Bean trying to fit in at a fancy restaurant! (You can use his behaviour for inspiration, but remember as this is Oral English, you must talk more than he does!)

dimarts, 29 de març del 2011


You watched these videos in class, didn't you?? Anyway, have a look again and enjoy your classmates' projects!!!

First one: Unsolved Crime

Second one: BBC News

divendres, 27 de novembre del 2009


This is your English zone!!! Here you will be able to check your homework, read interesting articles, listen to recent news and comment anything you want. Your teacher will be glad any time you visit it!!!!